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Indian Government


Indian Railways

Indian Railways

Selection Process : RRB Muzaffarpur

Railways Recruitment Boards notify vacancies through Centralized Employment Notice published on RRB’s Websites and invite ONLINE applications (indicative Employment Notice may be published in Newspapers but detailed Employment Notice is published on RRB’s Websites). The online applications received are scrutinized thoroughly for checking the eligibility of candidates and the prima-facie eligibile candidates are called for Computer Based Test (CBT). Eligible candidates have to download & print their e-Call Letter from RRB’s Websites and no Call Letter is sent through post. The eligibility of the candidates is examined at different stages and the candidature of the candidate may be cancelled at any stage even after empanelment if any irregularity in information supplied by the candidate is noticed or case of impersonation/fraud is established. The question paper will be available in English, Hindi & Urdu and in other languages if necessary. The CBT will be held generally in Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga and Samastipur. But, if the number of candidates is large, CBT may be conducted at other places also.

Normally there is no interview after the written examination (CBT). For certain categories, Skill Tests like Typing Test/Shorthand Test or Computer Based Aptitude Tests are conducted. For most categories e.g. NTPC categories, two stages of CBT are conducted. If RRB feels necessary, more than one stage CBT may be introduced for any category.

The application details furnished by the candidates found successful in the Written Examination (CBT) are verified by calling them for Verification of Documents.Thereafter, a panel of names is recommended to Zonal Railway to the extent of vacancies. Further formalities of appointment are completed by the Zonal Railway.

The selection process is strictly based on Merit and is subject to the rules and instructions issued by the Ministry of Railway, Govt. of India time to time, which includes reservation for certain communities and groups e.g. Scheduled caste, Scheduled tribe, Other Backward Classes, Ex.Serviceman, PwBD etc. The details are published in the relevant notifications.

The selection process is completely transparent and fair and candidates are advised to be beware of Touts and job racketeers.


  1. Before applying for any post, the candidates should thoroughly read the detailed Employment Notice on RRB’s website and ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility norms. The candidate should have the requisite Educational/ Technical qualifications from recognized University/Institute as on the closing date of submission of the online applications. Those awaiting results of the final examination need not apply. RRB may reject the applications of candidates at any stage of recruitment process in case the candidate does not fulfilling the requisite criteria, and if appointed, such candidates are liable to be dismissed from service summarily. The candidates who have been debarred for life from all RRB examinations or the candidates, who have been debarred for a specified period which is not yet completed, need not apply in response to Employment Notice. Their candidature will be rejected during any stage of recruitment as and when detected.
  2. Candidates should have their own mobile number, valid & active personal e-mail id and keep them active for the entire duration of recruitment as RRBs shall send all recruitment related communications only through SMS and e-mail till the recruitment is completely over ( no call letter etc will be sent by post). RRBs will not entertain any request for change of mobile number and e-mail address at any stage.
  3. Applications are to be submitted ONLINE and through RRB’s website only. Only one application is required to be submitted to the selected RRB for all the notified posts of the selected RRB. Application to more than one RRB, will lead to rejection of all the applications. Any attempt to submit more than one application by a candididate shall result into disqualification and debarment.
  4. Centre/City allocation for CBTs will depend upon technical and logistical feasibility. Candidates may have to travel to other cities/states for attending CBTs. Request for change of Exam Centre shall not be allowed under any circumstances.
  5. Malpractices: Any candidate found using unfair means of any kind in the Exam/CBT, sending someone else in his/her place to appear in the examination (impersonation) will be debarred from appearing in all the examinations of the all the RRBs/RRCs(Railway Recruitment Cell) for lifetime. He/she will also be bebarred from getting any appointment in the Railways, and if already appointed, will be dismissed from service. Such candidates are also liable for legal procecution.
  6. Banned items: Electronic gadgets like mobile phones, bluetooth, pen drives, laptop, calculators, wrist waches or any other communication devices or pen/pencil, wallets/purses, belts, shoes and metallic wears including ornaments etc are strictly NOT allowed inside the exam hall. Any infringements of this instruction shall entail summery rejection besides legal action including debarment from future examinations.
  7. Call Letters: Candidates will have to download the e-call letters and travel authority (wherever applicable) from the links provided on the official websites of RRBs
    The lower and upper age limit will be reckoned as indicated in the individual Employment Notification. The upper age limit is relaxable as under, subject to submission of requisite certificate:
    1. 5 years for SC/ST candidates.
    2. 3 years for OBC candidates.
    3. For Ex-Servicemen, up to the extent of service rendered in Defence plus 3 years provided they have put in more than 6 months service after attestation. For Ex-serviceman applying for the Apprentice categories of posts i.e. Traffic Apprentice and Commercial Apprentice the upper age limit is 40 years inclusive of all other relaxation in age limit.
    4. 5 years for persons who were ordinarily domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu & Kashmir from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989.
    5. 10 years for Physically Handicapped candidates irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved or not, provided the post is identified as suitable for PWDs. In addition, the candidates belonging to OBC and SC / ST are eligible for normal relaxation of 3 and 5 years respectively.
    6. For the serving Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ Railway Staff and casual labours/ substitutes, the relaxation in upper age limits will be up to 40 years for Unreserved candidates, 45 years for SC/ST candidates and 43 years for OBC candidates, provided they have put in a minimum of 3 years service (continuous or in broken spells). For those working in Quasi-Administrative offices of the Railway organization such as Railway Canteens, Cooperative Societies and Institutes, the relaxation in upper age limits will be up to the length of service rendered subject to maximum 5 years.
    7. Upper age limit in case of widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from the husband but not remarried shall be relaxed up to 35 years for Unreserved, 38 for OBC and 40 years for SC/ST candidates.
    8. No age relaxation is allowed to SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against unreserved vacancies.
  9. Examination fee : Candidates applying for various posts of a Centralized Employment Notice (CEN) have to pay the fee prescribed in the CEN. Relaxation and refund of fee (after deducting applicable bank changes) is admissible to PwBD/Female/Transgender/Ex-Servicemen/SC/ST/Minorities/Economically Backward Classes Candidates on appearing is CBT/1st stage of CBT.
    The fee Payment may be made :
    1. ONLINE through internet banking or debit/credit card or UPI.
    2. OFFLINE fee payment through
      1. SBI challan payment mode is any branch of SBI
      2. Post office challan payment mode in any branch of computerised Post Office.
  10. Reservation:
    1. Vertical Reservation: Vertical reservation is provided to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Classes(OBC)- Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) and Economically Weaker Section (EWS), wherever applicable and admissible, and as communicated by the indenting Railway/ Production Unit under extent rules, as mentioned in the vacancy table of the concerned CEN.

      All candidates, irrespective of community may be considered against UR vacancies subject to fulfillment of parameters for UR candidates. However, against the vacancies earmarked for specific communities (SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS), only candidates belonging to that community will be considered.
    2. Horizontal Reservation: Horizontal reservation is provided for Ex-servicemen (Ex SM) and persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) irrespective of their communities. Vacancies for ExSM and PwBD wherever given in the vacancy table are not separate but are included in the total number of vacancies. However, where vacancies for PwBD are shown separately without any community-wise allotment, those vacancies are sepeate and not part of regular vacancies. The details of certificate required for availing benefits of reservation are given in the CEN.
  11. Assistance of Scribe: Visually Impaired (VI) candidates/candidates whose wr Visually Impaired (VI) candidates/candidates whose writing speed is affected by cerebral palsy/muscular dystrophy/candidates with locomotor disability (one arm)/Intallectual disability ( Autism, specific learning disability and mental illness) can avail the assistance of scribe for writing answers on their behalf. For engaging scribe, candidate will have to indicate the same while filling ONLINE application. Engagement of scribe will be subject to conditions mentioned in the CEN. Eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with scribe are given additional time of 20 minutes for each hour of exam i.e. if the duration of CBT is 90 minutes, for PwPD Candidates with scribe, it will be 120 minutes.
  12. Negative Marking:There shall be negative marking for incorrect answer in CBTs. Deduction of 1/3rd of the marks allotted for each question shall be made for each wrong answer.
  13. Normalization of marks: Marks will be normalized for all the stages of exam involving multiple sessions. Marks will be normalized as per formulae given in the CEN.
  14. Shortlisting for various stages: There will be objective type multiple choice questions in the written Exam (CBT) with provision of negative marking (@ 1/3rd of allotted marks). The questions will pertain to General Awareness, mathematics, General intelligence and reasoning and those subjects covered as part of minimum educational/technical qualifications for the post. The syllabus, number of questions for each stage of CBT, duration of Exam (CBT) etc will be mentioned in the CEN. Normally, the duration of CBT 1 ½ to 2 hours with approximately 100 to 150 questions.
    RRB wise shortlisting of candidates for 2nd stage of CBT shall be done at the rate of 20 times the vacancies (may increase or decrease as per the requirement of Railway Administration). The short listing for 2nd stage of CBT will be based on the merit of the candidates in 1st stage CBT. The short listing for Skill Test such as Computer Based Aptitude Test and Typing Skill Test shall be to the extent of 8 times the vacancies based on the merit of the candidates in 2nd stage CBT.
  15. No Objection Certificate (NOC) for Serving Employees: Candidates serving (including those undergoing induction training/probation) in any Central/State Government Department including Railways or Public Sector Undertaking may apply directly (online) to RRB duly informing their Employer. Shortlisted candidates should produce NOC from the Employer during Document Verification, failing which their candidature will be cancelled.
  16. Document Verification (DV):
    Based on the performance of candidates in 2nd stage CBT and based on the performance of candidates in both 2nd stage CBT and CBAT/TST (as applicable), candidates equal to the number of vacancies will be called for Document Verification as per their merit and options. In addition, candidates equal to 50% (may increase or decrease at the discretion of RRBs) of the number of vacancy for various posts will also be called for Document Verification as ‘Extra Candidates’. These ‘Extra Candidates’ will, however, be considered for empanelment as per community-wise merit only if there is a shortfall in empanelment from the main merit list.
  17. Medical Standards and Examination:
    Candidates called for Document Verification will have to pass requisite medical fitness test(s) conducted by the railway Administration to ensure that the candidates are medically fit to carry out the duties associated by the post(s) opted by them. Medical standards for each post is indicated in the CEN. Candidates who have undergone Lasik surgery or any other surgery procedure to correct refractory error are not eligible for the post have Medical Standard A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1, B-2. Candidates are advised to ensure that they are eligible as per medical standards for the post(s) opted by them. In case of failure of the candidate to pass the prescribed medical fitness for the opted posts, he/she will not be considered suitable for empanelment for that post and no alternative appointment shall be provided
  18. SMS and e-mail message will be sent to all eligible candidates about uploading details of e-call letter on their registerd mobile number and e-mail ID. No call letter shall be sent by post. Eligible candidates can download the e-call letter for CBTs, Computer based Aptitude Test, Typing Skill Test and Document Verification ( as applicable) from the websites of RRBs concerned about 10 days before the date of CBT, CBAT/TST & DV.
  19. Free Sleeper Class Railway pass is admissible to SC/ST candidates only. ST/ST candidates who wish to avail travel authority will have to indicate ‘Yes’ in the relevant column in the ONLINE application and upload valid caste certificate. Any attempt to misuse this travelling authority shall lead to rejection of candidature at any stage of the recruitment process and debarement for further examinations conducted by RRBs/RRCs.
  20. All the candidates seeking reservation/relaxation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS/PWBD/ExSM must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation/relexation as per eligbility prescribed in the CEN. They should be in possession of all the requisite certificate in the prescribed format in support of their claim as stipulated in the CEN.
  21. Selection by RRB does not confer upon candidate any right of appointment in the Railways. The function of RRB is to recommend name of suitable candidates to the concerned authorities of the Zonal Railway/Production Unit who in turn will issue the offer of appointment letter subject to availability of vacancies and candidates satisfying all eligibility criteria including anticedents and character.
  22. Selected candidates will have to execute surety and /or Indemnity bond wherever necessary at the time of joining in Railways. They have to undergo training, wherever prescribed, and during training period, only stipend will be paid as applicable.
    1. Any candidate found using unfair means of any kind in the examination, sending someone else in his/her place to appear in the examination, attempt to impersonate will be debarred from appearing in all the examinations of all the RRBs/RRCs for lifetime. He/she will also be debarred from getting any appointment in the Railways and if already appointed, will be dismissed from service. Such candidates are also liable for legal prosecution.
    2. Furnishing of any false information to the RRB or deliberate suppression of any information at any stage will render the candidate disqualified and debarred from appearing at any selection or examination for appointment on the Railways or to any other Government service and if appointed the service of such candidate is liable to be terminated.
    3. Candidates found submitting forged/fake certificates of any kind for securing eligibility and/or obtaining privileges, including free travel for appearing in the CBT, CBAT/TST, Document verification (as applicable) shall lead to rejection of their candidature for the particular recruitment for which he/she has applied. Further, they will also be debarred from all examinations conducted by all RRBs/RRCs all over the country for a period of 2 years/for life as deemed fit and legal action will be initiated, if warranted.
    4. Candidate shall not bring in or attempt to bring in any political or other influence to further his/her interest in respect of the recruitment. Candidature of such candidates is liable to be rejected.
    1. RRBs reserve the right to conduct additional examination/Document verification at any stage. RRBs also reserve the right to cancel part or whole of any recruitment process at any stage for any of the categories notified in CEN without assigning any reason thereof.
    2. The decision of RRBs in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of ONLINE applications, issue of free Rail Passes, penal action for false information, modification of vacancies, mode of selection, conduct of CBT, allotment of examination centers, selection, allotment of posts to selected candidates etc., will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained by the RRBs in this regard.
    3. RRBs will not be responsible for any inadvertent errors and reserves right to correct such errors.
    4. Any legal issues arising out of CEN shall fall within the legal jurisdiction of respective Central Administrative Tribunals under which the RRB chosen by the candidate is located.
    5. In the event of any dispute about interpretation, the English version of the notification as published in RRB websites will be treated as final.
    6. Application under RTI Act: Any Application even under RTI act seeking any information will not be entertained till the completion of the entire recruitment process.
    Online applications are liable for rejection on the following grounds amongst others:
    1. Invalid photos on account of Black and White photo, photo with cap or wearing Goggles. Photos which are disfigured, small size, full body, showing only one side view of the face, unrecognizable photos, photostatcopy of photo, group photo, selfie photo, photo taken by mobile, morphed photo and online application without photo among others.
    2. Signature in capital/block letters.
    3. Not possessing the prescribed qualification for the post(s) as on the closing date for registration of online application.
    4. Over-aged or under-aged or Date of Birth wrongly filled.
    5. Multiple applications to different RRBs or to same RRB. In such case, all applications will be rejected and such candidates will be debarred from future RRB/RRC exams.
    6. Candidate's name figuring in the debarred list of any RRB / RRC.
    7. Incomplete or incorrectly filled application.
    8. Any other irregularities which are observed and considered as invalid by RRB.
    NOTE: In case the application is rejected, candidates will be able to view their status ONLINE on the website of RRBs along with the reasons for rejection(s) which is final and binding and no further correspondence shall be entertained on the subject. No refund of examination fee will be made on account of rejection of application. SMS and email alerts shall also be sent to the candidates on their registered mobile numbers and email IDs, as indicated in their ONLINE application. Candidates will not be intimated by post.
  26. WARNING: Beware of Touts and job racketeers trying to deceive by false promises of securing job in Railways either through influence or by use of unfair and unethical means. RRB has not appointed any agent(s) or coaching center(s) for action on it’s behalf. Candidates are warned against any such claims being made by persons/agencies. Candidates are selected purely as per merit. Beware of unscrupulous elements and do not fall in their trap. Candidates attempting to influence RRB directly or indirectly shall be disqualified and legal action can be initiated against them.
  27. Candidates are advised to visit only the official website of RRBs and beware of FAKE websites and social media content put up by unscrupulous elements/touts.
